We know it can sometimes feel like things are moving slowly when you’re in the middle of an extension or other building works. There’s so much that’s not seen and is hidden behind smooth plastered walls and beautiful decoration and finishing when the work is complete. We hope our blog is giving you an insight into all the work that’s involved.

So, at our extension in South East London, you’ll soon begin to see how the finished kitchen will look. However, before we show you some of the latest interior photos, here’s a view of the folding sliding doors that lead out into the garden, connecting the outside with the inside. This is going to be a great place to live when the weather hots up and those doors are open and our clients can enjoy the full benefit of their outside space. If you’d like to find out more about the doors we’ve used here, the link to our supplier is The Folding Sliding Door Company. The company has lots of information on their website and a gallery of photographs showing a wide range of settings that these doors can work in.

photo 4

So that’s the view looking in, and now, here’s some photos of the kitchen being fitted. It always feels great to see the room really taking shape.

photo 2 photo 1

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